Saturday, August 1, 2009



- Your friend, Midsian

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Room

Hi guys!!
There is going to be a beach to hangout in summer in chobots.

Here is its picture.
So, Have Fun.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Hi guys!!

There is going on a cow mission contest. It's fun and as usual if you win you will win free membership. WOOW. So, don't give you and try your best and have fun.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to get mimo suits.

Hi guys!!
There is a new mimo suit. It is just like a huddy suit. Here is a picture of it.

Here is how to get it. First go to and register a new account in chobots. Then after the register you will have a new huddy mimo suit.

Have Fun


Trade and Gift

Hi guys!!

I have a suprize for you. Do you what it is. Well, its that i heard that trade and gift will be back next month. WOOOW.

Have Fun


Sunday, July 19, 2009

cool picture by me

Hi guys!!

Today, i was bored and i drawed two awesome pictures. Here they are;

Its called the "The Half Moon"
This one is called "The Dark Moon" Which one do you like the most? tell it to me in the comments.
Have Fun


700 party

Hi guys!!

There is going to be a 700 party and its tomorrow, the 20th of July, Moon-Walk, Cafe street, 21:00 (Cho-time). So, be there

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Ok me and Ebatma have something to say we have weird things to say and me and me and He/She always call each other a dodo inst that weird and he calls me blaebayblaestaff and i call him atmma its funny and you should go to youtube and search italian man dont search it if your younger than ten